
+47 22 40 45 10

Your new job
is closer than you think

Contact us for more information on items that may suit you

Effective HR- and payroll services

Streamlined payroll management for seamless operations.

ARPI is a supplier
of staffing solutions

Many years of specialization make us the best recruiters in the market

Your new job
is closer than you think

Contact us for more information on items that may suit you

Effective HR- and payroll services

Streamlined payroll management for seamless operations.

ARPI is a supplier
of staffing solutions

Many years of specialization make us the best recruiters in the market


We are a part of the Norwegian holding ARPI Group and have been present in the market since 1999.

Our work style is based on flexibility and lack of strict procedures. We recruit for all branches and our methods are always adjusted individually to particular clients. Our experience shows that everything is achievable, so we are constantly looking for new challenges.



Low risk

If none of the candidates we have found for you are recruited, there are no costs for our customers. Invoicing takes place only after completed and successful recruitment and employment.


Our team has a lot of experience and expertise to evaluate the candidate’s teamwork skills, personality traits, etc. Quality is important to us, which means a thorough recruitment process at all levels.


We are flexible and adapt the search process to the customer’s needs and wishes. In our processes we use different channels such as our own website, our own network, social media/internet portals, advertising, etc.

Time saving

We make it easy for you to recruit or hire personnel, with as little paperwork and administration as possible. You save time on advertising, screening, checking references, and verifying applications.

Quick response

Each customer has their own staffing coordinator. In this way we are able to respond promptly to your needs and take immediate action in case unexpected circumstances or emergencies arise.


We recruit for all positions in every branch and flexibly adjust to current needs and specifics of particular projects. The use of modern communication tools enables us to deliver the best possible quality.


The job of your dreams is closer than ever. Especially when someone else is efficiently looking for it.

We realise that looking for a new job is never easy. That’s why it is so important to have somebody you can trust. Benefit from our know-how, experience and the best possible value for the development of your career.

Som tømrer i ARPI har jeg en fleksibel og variert hverdag. Jeg har fått jobbe for mange små og store entreprenører i Oslo-området. Oppdragene har vært varierte og utfordrende. Jeg har fått nye erfaringer og truffet mange hyggelige kollegaer.

Einar, tømrer

ARPI var en profesjonell og ryddig part med flinke og hyggelige folk gjennom hele rekrutteringsprosessen.

Mette, Prosjektleder

ARPI har alltid sett og hørt meg. De gir meg muligheter hvis jeg er villig til å ta de. Derfor har jeg anbefalt ARPI til andre.

Thomas, Snekker

ARPI Bemanning er et byrå som tar godt vare på sine ansatte. Her blir du møtt av forståelsesfulle konsulenter som vil at du skal ha en bra jobbhverdag. De hjelper deg raskt videre når et vikaroppdrag er over. Det er ordna forhold og lønna kommer når den skal. Trenger du hjelp for å komme i jobb så vil jeg anbefale Arpi Bemanning!»

Kjell Magne, sjåfør klasse C

ARPI er et trivelig bemanningsbyrå å jobbe i. Det er vennlige bemanningskonsulenter og andre gode kollegaer der. Jeg opplever også at jeg er likestilt med faste ansatte hos innleier. ARPI er en perfekt start for de som ønsker å prøve forskjellige yrker.

Drazen, rivearbeider

I løpet av min tid i ARPI har jeg møtt mange arbeidere fra andre bemanningsselskaper. Med hyggelig personale, ryddige systemer og ikke minst gode oppdrag, er det ingen tvil om at ARPI ligger lengst fremme i sitt felt

Bendik, rivearbeider

Å jobbe i ARPI byr på lærerike utfordringer og et godt arbeidsmiljø

Magnar, hjelpearbeider

ARPI Bemanning is a part of ARPI Group, a Norwegian holding which started to operate in Poland in 2001.
